I can tell you, once in NY, the feeling of being relaxed from 6 days on QM 2 had passed quite quickly. This city is just crazy to me. The craziest Apple as I wrote in one of my Blogs once. Crazy but a place you just have to experience at least once in your life. For me it was already the second time. After having met up with Liz (whom I’d met 2 years ago on a Cross Country Trip) we spent the weekend with things like going to a Musical (Memphis, have to go see that one next time you’re in NY). Watching some Movie Shooting for X-Men (yay, I saw Will Smith *lol* :)). Having lunch at Serendipity 3 (for those who know the movie "Serendipity"). Admiring the gift from France on Liberty Island and listening to the stories of those many immigrants who set foot there so many years ago. Climbing, or just taking the elevator, up to Rockefeller Center to enjoy a magnificent view (I always have to go up some place in a city just to really take in the immensity of it all). Getting annoyed at 5th Avenue during a Puerto Rican Parade which wouldn’t allow us to cross into Central Park to find some quiet moments. And ending the NY days up at Rooftop Gardens on 230 5th Avenue. Again, what a view!
Once I arrived in Chicago in the morning after an 18 hours train ride I knew immediately that something was different there. Also a big city. Also by the water. But, much more relaxed. Well, that‘s how I experienced Chicago. Might have been because it wasn’t the weekend. But it seemed way calmer and way less hectic than NY. I knew at the instant that I entered the streets of Chicago that I would love this city. Unfortunately the time there was way too short (as it always is when you’re travelling). But I’m sure I’ll go back there once. If only for the world famous deep-dish Pizza that I had just before leaving :)
Having been in the US many times already I always have to get used to some differences over and over again. Like, how come small drinks still look big to me? Why does the AC have to be turned on like everywhere inside? I know that people don’t really wanna know how I’m doing when they ask, but do they like have to ask that at every occasion? I'm sure as time passes on these summers travels I'll get used to all these things once again.
Two big cities lie behind. I truly enjoyed them. But I feel like I am ready for some peace and quiet. And I’ll most certainly find that at McGinnis Meadows Ranch in Libby, Montana. A completely different world from the one I have just left. Stories of my life at the Ranche coming up soon.
Till then, be safe and keep travelling with me.
... and just one add to this Blog, cause I was writing it while the train ride just started in Chicago (meanwhile I have arrived in Whitefish, MT, waiting to be picked up to go on the Ranch). I was arriving here at 5 AM. After an 8 h delay. You'll find the reason for that on my picture of the day on Flickr. But I can tell you, I'm not that sad that I won't have to take another train until 5 weeks. Despite of Professor Arthur Murphy's words .. :)
Lovely entry dani, feeling like I am traveling with you!
AntwortenLöschenThank you as always Annie! You are just a faithful soul in commenting on here - and everywhere else :)