Montag, 22. Juni 2009

Along with the crazy bit... ehm, bunch

After having been stuffed with all kinds of food (peaches included, of course) in Meansville, Georgia (such a small place, even the guy at customs didn't know of it), it was already time to hit the road to Wilmington, North Carolina. A long drive East, and Becca and me already anxious to meet up with six other SoGoPro supporters. But no need for that really. It seemed like mostly everyone clicked at the first second and became friends by the end of the trip.
We've spent quite a few awesome days - and nights - in this beautiful town just along the Carolina Shores (if anyone should ever come along there, please make sure to make a stop). Great concert (Bibis, you were a blast!). Many visits to the beaches. The possibility to visit the locations and studio where "One Tree Hill" is filmed (thank you so much for that Kelly!). Again, loads of food (I think I've seen the shapes of Chicken Burgers, thanks to Chick fil A, for a while :)). The beautiful sights in town. The very hot outsides of it. The awfully cold insides (man, do I hate those AC's). Nights out and about until the very early hours of the morning (I have such a lack of sleep). And never in my life have I been at a beach at 3 AM, watching filming going on and seeing actors almost get naked. But that's what you get when spending days with 7 crazy girls :)

To sum this up and really get the impression of those days in Wilmington you def have to take a look at the video (great job, Becca!!). Showing the time of our life. Us being Megan from Minnesota, Jac from Canada, Becca and Andrea from Georgia, Kim from Arkansas, Liz from Virginia, Lauren from North Carolina and finally me, the only sane one in this group :)

It's time for me to hit the road again and see what else there is to discover in the Carolina States. Until then.
All the best from Charlotte, NC.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hallo Dani,
    schön, dass mir Deheibliebenä scho 2 Iträg vo Dir hän chönnä lesä!
    Tönt jetzt scho so, dass scho viel erläbt hesch.
    Und wegä "the only sane one in this group" - würd ich öppis anders segä ;o)
